Saturday, February 5, 2011

Market for Goats, Camels, & Sheep

Camels cost $1000 US. The green ink used to identify the buyer after a sale.

This is a baloon the camel exposes in certain circumstances. However, when the camel is slaughtered, this baloon is no where to be found. After some research, I found out this baloon is the soft palate, also exposed when the male camel desires a female camel.

Jirdeh Hotel. Cost: $15/day.

 This is the National Stadium of Hargeisa, primarily used for soccer games.

This is my Mother's childhood home, built in 1961. It now belongs to the eldest son in my Mother's family, as it is Somali custom for homes to be passed down from one generation to the next.

 A truck transporting flour

 Driving in my Uncle's pickup, an officer jumped on the car, along with several teenaged boys after completing the school day.

Boys walking home from school

"When Minds Unite They Can Move Mountains. Somaliland Needs Deeds, Not Words"


  1. you gotta love the fact that the soldiers guarding our country, and that ministry of defense behind them, are on a constant hiiiiigh. Meth and Red would love it here, probably end up Pres. and Vice Pres. lol

  2. What a wonderful blog. Love the pictures and the smart description

  3. LMAO at Meth and Red, a lot of rappers would love it here, and thanks for all the love, much appreciated

  4. Doin' your thing for real mustaqubal, These pictures are 2 ILL. I feel like im there 2!! lool keep em comin'!!!

  5. I'm loving the loving going on here. I love the love of the love. heartss and kiss to everyone. Hargeisa ha nolato. Kiss to my cousin plz

  6. Somalia Hanolato!!!

  7. Good job.....Your reminding us WAAYO WAAYO

  8. If any one needs goats from Uganda in big sums please contact +256712700001 or +256772506771
