Sunday, March 27, 2011

Back on Track

     Over the past week, I experienced a particularly tough period during which I seriously reconsidered my goals and ambitions in Hargeisa. However, for fear of discouraging the diaspora community of giving back to their homeland, I have chosen not to discuss this experience in detail on my blog.
     Instead, I choose to adopt a more positive perspective and share the aftermath and the healing process. My cousin Sagal, along with my nieces and nephew, went for a hike on a nearby hill (one of the hills pictured in an earlier post). By the time we reached the top, we were fortunate enough to enjoy the beautiful landscape in the sunset.
     On the climb down, feeling exhilirated and refreshed, I gained new perspective. Prior to embarking on this voyage, a close friend told me about a verse in the Qu'ran that says life's challenges reveal your true intentions. After the past week, that could not be more true.