My sister sent over school supplies from Dubai, including coloring books and crayons, pens and pencils, sharpeners, etc. I distribute donated school supplies to the best students in each of my classes.
The following pictures are from a competition between the grade five classes: 5A, 5B, and 5C. The students from each class were asked a series of questions related to the diin (religion). In the end, 5C won the competition.

The prizes for the winning class include Fanta drinks and sweets.
A group of disruptive boys being punished; they must stay in uncomfortable positions in the hot sun.
In the middle of my lesson, the Malmulaa interrupted to hold a draw for computer classes at a nearby school (take note of his choice of weapon). He was only able to choose a few girls and boys from each class, so he crumbled up a few pieces of paper into small balls, threw them on the ground, and asked the students to pick the colored one.

When students are late for school, they are locked outside and you can hear them pleading through the windows of the staff room. They usually linger around the outside of the school because they're fearful of going home and telling their parents they were late for school.

This is Abdirahman, the math teacher at Maalim Dawud. At less than 20 years old, he's almost completed high school and owns a private institute where he teaches English in the afternoon.

When students are late for school, they are locked outside and you can hear them pleading through the windows of the staff room. They usually linger around the outside of the school because they're fearful of going home and telling their parents they were late for school.

This is Abdirahman, the math teacher at Maalim Dawud. At less than 20 years old, he's almost completed high school and owns a private institute where he teaches English in the afternoon.

Great post, i truly have to say i'm a big fan of your blog. I wanted to know what supplies the school could use the most. Keep up the great work. Thanks
ReplyDeleteThanks love, I want to start a donation fund with Amal Express so people can donate without having to pay a fee, but it's still a work in progress. I'll give more details soon!